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Olympics CTV Ad Performance Data From Keynes Digital Shows Lift in Streaming Sports Viewership


New Olympics 以及来自体育直播CTV的广告表现数据 Keynes Digital has revealed notable lifts in viewership metrics that are particularly relevant as Netflix 移动到现场体育,如 Christmas NFL games and WWE Raw.


  • CVR: Up by 65%
  • Transactions: Increased by 35%
  • Revenue: Rose by 40%
  • M-o-M Revenue: 26% increase in August

Additionally, 各种渠道的实时体育指标, 特别是付费搜索, 在新用户和收入方面有显著提升吗, at 3% and 39%, respectively.

Dan Larkman, 凯恩斯数字的首席执行官和创始人, discussed these insights and what they mean for the future of live sports streaming with Streaming Media’s Tyler Nesler.  

Tyler Nesler: Regarding the Olympics data, are there any specific demographic breakdowns (i.e.,缩放者如何观看vs. 年龄更大的人群,在哪些设备上(手机vs. [CTV],以及基于人口统计的转化率)。?

Dan Larkman: 我们在2024年巴黎奥运会期间观察到了一些有趣的趋势. Nearly one in three viewers consumed the Olympics on mobile, tablet, or PC. By comparison, regular TV viewing typically sees around 18% of consumption on non-TV screens. 在过去的五年里, 我们注意到一个转变,年轻的消费者, 他们中的许多人没有电视, 而是选择在个人设备上观看内容. This increase reflects a growing interest in the Olympics across all age groups.

This was further highlighted by the sports with the largest viewership, 比如美国女队的持续成功, winning gold again. Women’s gymnastics, soccer, track, and water polo claimed the top spots in viewership. 而男性观众传统上主导着大多数主流体育, 奥运会见证了一个转变, 60%的观众是女性. Even more interesting was the surge in consumer engagement with advertisements during the Olympic campaign, 我们在哪里看到了65%的现场转化率增长.

How do you think a major platform like Netflix’s entry into live sports will impact paid search and viewership of live sports across various channels – will Netflix help to uplift lesser-known platforms featuring sports programming as well, or is there a risk of it dominating the market and drowning out other providers?

体育直播显然是流媒体服务的一个重要关注点, 标志着传统媒体公司的转变. Major players like NBCU, Fox, and Warner Bros. are not only competing against each other but also facing off against big tech companies. 最近,我们看到了计划推出的 Venu Sports, which, in my opinion, represents an attempt by traditional media to stop competing with one another and instead join forces to challenge big tech. 所以,法官阻止这一举动也就不足为奇了.

We've known for a while that live sports are the primary reason people resist binge-watching shows and avoid unsubscribing from streaming services. 奈飞进军体育直播领域既有趣又令人期待. In 2015, Yahoo 通过直播第一次看到了体育直播的价值 NFL 在线游戏,尽管这个冒险对他们来说不太顺利. Netflix在2023年底面临挑战, 随着订阅量的下降, 更严格的登录共享措施, higher prices, 并引入了广告支持层. Entering the live sports arena is a strong step in the right direction for Netflix, 让他们有机会吸引和留住他们的用户基础.

Personally, I’m not thrilled about Netflix only broadcasting one NFL game. 感觉就像他们刚把脚趾伸进水里, 对大多数球迷来说,错过一场比赛可能无关紧要. However, 死忠粉可能会选择在朋友家或, 对Netflix的长期股票表现更不利, they could subscribe, watch, 然后取消.

Increased exposure to live sports offers a great opportunity for smaller streaming services. 不太知名的体育节目获得了更多的播放时间, which is excellent for the growth of these services and the sports themselves. The biggest challenge for these platforms is that advertisers prefer to run campaigns on mainstream services. 尽管Netflix上的广告有高度针对性的受众, Hulu, or ESPN 与当地的体育网络相比,它有着不同的声望. As a result, 这些网络可以收取额外费用, and in the future, they'll likely have even more buying power as emerging sports gain traction.

Has any research or data been found regarding a specific increase in viewership for particular types of sports, i.e., a noticeable uptick in coverage/interest in a sport that was previously not as represented in traditional linear broadcasting?

流媒体服务使小型体育项目得以发展, 允许运动员通过在各自的学科中竞争来谋生. Take Flo Grappling例如,他们在推广巴西柔术方面的作用. The ADCC, the largest grappling tournament in the world, saw a significant increase in viewership. In 2011, 该活动的YouTube视频大约有46个,000 views, whereas in 2024, 芙蓉格斗吸引了150多人,000名比赛现场直播. 通过使内容易于访问, 全世界的粉丝都可以享受, support, 并帮助发展曾经被认为纯粹是娱乐的运动.

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